How We Think Global and Act Local

How We Think Global and Act Local

When we set out to create a brand that would bring convenient and nutritious snacks to busy consumers, we knew that one thing was very important. Think global and act local. It sounds nice, but what does it really mean? What is the impact we hope to have on the world? We are a brand that cares about where our ingredients come from and how they are handled through the entire process until they make it into your shopping bag.


The ingredients we use are based on “think global, act local” because they are staples of many different countries and cultures. We are influenced by Latin America, ancient tribes, and civilization who treasured healthy, wholesome ingredients like amaranth, chia seeds, beans, and heirloom corn.


Being based in San Diego, we pride ourselves on taking advantage of the local partners, businesses, and co-packers available to us to help develop our products.

Our partners have been instrumental in helping us create and refine our new products.


Our ingredients are important–but so are the farmers who are responsible for growing quality, US-based produce. We have traveled and visited farms and ensured that we build relationships with our local farmers who can provide the freshest, most nutrient-rich products.


At VIVOTRIBE, we look beyond borders for inspiration and recipe ideas. Many of the best flavors and dishes that we have adapted are drawn from Latin and Asian cultures. We love and appreciate the rich history of spices, traditions, and flavors that make snacks taste great without compromising their nutritional value.

We find inspiration all over the world when it comes to flavors and recipes.

Farmers Markets.

We have expressed our love for farmers markets before but we cannot say it enough. We love that they give entire communities the opportunity to support their local farmers. Buying produce that is fresh, organic, and grown right in our own backyards helps everyone. We can’t wait to get out to the local markets with our own products so you can try them! This is how we think global and act local. 

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