Farm to Shelf: About Us

Farm to Shelf: About Us

Farm to Shelf. People don’t want an anonymous experience anymore regarding the food that they are putting into their bodies. The world today is demanding more organic and whole foods, rather than packaged foods filled with added sugars, sodium, preservatives and chemicals. These processed foods can be blamed for obesity and many other health problems.


On top of that, frozen and canned foods typically go down in nutritional value. This is why we are eating food in the first place. Eating food is supposed to be nutritional. The foods you eat should be loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fuel your busy lifestyle.

The idea of farm-to-table, or in our case “farm-to-shelf” rose up when consumers began to question food freshness, food safety, as well as small-farm economics.

The movement stresses fresh and local ingredients while empowering local farms and communities across global markets. It helps to bring together small farmers and buyers to ensure the quality of ingredients. Nutritional integrity is important–quality ingredients are not meant to be pumped with chemicals. With the disappearance of heirloom and open-pollinated vegetables and fruits, this movement is more necessary than ever to maintain our ecosystem.

We at VIVOTRIBE support the “farm-to-shelf” movement by dedicating our efforts towards bringing better options to consumers who are busy and on the go.

Eating whole ingredients ensures that you get all of the nutrients they were designed to provide. We’ve already vetted the process from beginning to end, so you can trust our products. Sometimes picking the healthier food options can be expensive or time-consuming to make, especially for those who don’t have the time to invest. So worry not because we have done the research to ensure the products we are creating are whole and sourced from local markets.

So you feel good and we feel good! It’s that simple!

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