15 Reasons Amaranth is a Superfood

15 Reasons Amaranth is a Superfood

Superfood? It goes without saying that we’re pretty obsessed with amaranth. Aside from its rich history and ancient origins, it’s a magical ingredient that is healthier than you can probably imagine. Here are 15 reasons why amaranth is a great superfood.


Amaranth is a protein powerhouse

making it a great plant-based protein source for vegan and vegetarian diets.

  1.  Amaranth is a protein powerhouse making it a great plant-based protein source for vegan and vegetarian diets.
  2. It might help you stay forever young. Kind of. Amaranth oil or extract is often used in anti-wrinkle serums.
  3. Amaranth reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.
  4. Amaranth contains all the essential amino acids, even lysine, which wheat and barley can’t hold a candle to that. superfood
  5. Squalene, a fatty acid found in amaranth, is known for doing some amazing things like slowing tumor growth.
  6. Amaranth is a mineral rich food containing: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese.
  7. Vitamins too! Amaranth has vitamin A, K, B6, C, riboflavin, and folate.
  8. Amaranth is even considered beneficial for limiting the effects of conditions like hypertension.
  9. It has absolutely no gluten, making it a friendly grain to those with intolerances, allergies, or celiac disease.
  10. Some additional benefits of amaranth include helping memory and learning due to the amino acid, lysine.
  11. Amaranth oil helps treat diabetes.
  12. It helps combat osteoporosis and anemia.
  13. Amaranth is even known to help cardiovascular conditions and heart disease.  
  14. Sometimes the secret to lightened foods like light mayonnaise and dressings is amaranth extract.
  15. It’s easy on the stomach. Amaranth is easily absorbed by the body making it a good option for those who might be sick or elderly.
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